Friday, May 18, 2012

Eat Well

Our healthy life starts form our healthy plate. The food pyramid was the major concept taught for students in schools usually in grade 5 but 2 years ago no food pyramid exists anymore, the new concept is the Healthy Plate. It represents all food items that should be presented in every meal since our body needs all the nutritive substances the food groups supply us with. The importance of this plate is its demonstration of the appropriate amount of items that should be eaten in a meal, for example eating high amouts of protiens is nessesary during breakfast because it is the main source of energy that energizes our body during the day.
Even if not taught in schools, I think that all mothers, should have an idea and know more about this healthy plate or "Eatwell plate" so that they would know more about food items that they should include in daily meals they prepare.

Our healthy life starts from our healthy kitchen represented by healthy meals prepared in it and it continues through practicing sports and thinking positive!
Choose wise... Eat Well.. Act well, Think positive... Be Healthy  


  1. You might be interested in the concept of My Plate in nutrition. Search for it; it is interesting how the nutritional needs are divided.

  2. Really it is an interested subject and affect our daily life but you should be more specific and determine what type of food i need to eat daily to have a healthy life

