My Special World :)

Every person has his/her own special world which exists inside him/her. This world is full of emotions, thoughts, believes, attitudes, people, relations etc... In this page, I will be reflecting a glance from my own world, by simple words I wrote or be writing..
Writing is my own way to express my thoughts and feelings, at least I believe that the paper would never complain from my words and that's why I chose it to be as my friend when needed :)


أريد أن أرسمك لوحة خريف زيتيّة
وأن أكتبك قصيدة عشق منسيّة
أريد أن أزرعك نجمة في السماء لا تطالها الأيدي
وأن أرميك صدفة في البحر لا تراها العيون.

أبعثر ذكرياتي هنا وهناك
فتعود لتجتمع من جديد بداخلي
وكلّما اجتمعت تتغلغل أكثر.

أريد أن اركّب من دموعي ومن اللؤلؤ قصيدة
تليق بمجد وروعة عينيك...
أرجوك كن إنساناً عاديّا.. يحب ويحزن ويكره ويضحك
كن إنساناً عاديا حتى إذا نظرت في عينيك لا أهلك
كن... لأتصالح مع لغتي ومع قلمي وكلماتي...

31 أيار 2008

A Shining Star

We talked and listened
and then he whispered
"I Love U"
My heart said "Me too".
Come near me, and I'll come near you
so we sat, hand in hand
and on the same bench we dreamt.
It was sunny day and we found our way
during which we smiled, cried and tried.
Tried to wish that all what happened will end one day,
Tried to hope that saddness will fly far away.
I looked in his eyes, it shined as a star,
Peace and love, happiness and care were reflected through it.
A glance took my breath away...
It was just a glance from his shining eyes,
that looked the same as a shinig star,
in the middle of the sky, in the darkest darkest night.



  1. Hiba, it's a best way for a person to express, I like it. I tried before to do the same, but I found myself not from this style. I wish you a white life that you'll decorate with everything special away from sadness and fear, away from hatred and failure!

    1. Thank you MOuniba.. I used to write a lot before but nowadays I feel far from the paper and pen although sometimes I write and then get rid of it.. Wish u nice life for u too as u deserve :)

  2. wooooooooooooooow your world is very nice just like u Hiba. very nice poem i like it very much.

    1. Lina, thx a lot enta l wooow ;) m2addame lpoem w ente lnice .. yalla let us see ebde3atek :)

  3. Haboush, nice one.. I loved every thing in your blog; the design, arrangement, colors and posts. May God be with you always :)

  4. Habboush (2) kellek zo2, nice from you too w now my blog became much better by your comment here.. Thanks <3

